FAQs for Access

What happens if I lose my padlock key/forget my combination?

Can I rent a padlock?

What is your opening / access times?

What are your extended (out of hours) access hours?

How can I set up Extended Hours Access to my storage?

Do you charge access fees?

Do I have to pay for Extended Hours Access/24hrs access?

Do we offer 24 hour access?

Can I access my storage whenever I want?

Do I need to be on site when the removal company deliver the goods?

Can I use my own lock?

I’ve forgotten my room number. How do I find this out?

I can’t remember the details about my storage or the room I’m in, please can you remind me?

How do I update my contact details?

Can I add items to my room once I’ve moved in?

Can I leave my vehicle in the car park overnight?

Can I allow other people to access my room?

Are children allowed in the store?